As some of you may know,
DateAble is going through some
changes. We will still exist
but are merging the DateAble
Washington membership with
DateAble International. This is
an exciting time because not
only will you have the
opportunity to meet people in
the Washington, DC area, you
have the opportunity to make new
friends from around the
country. DateAble Washington
held a Town Meeting on June 24,
2004 to outline the new
procedures and membership
features. Please read the
minutes from the meeting in this
issue of the newsletter. Of
course, if you have any
questions, please contact me at
the DateAble office or by
This is a unique opportunity for
all of us to move forward as an
organization and as friends.

Calendar of Events
July, August, September 2004

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Town Meeting Minutes
A Town Meeting was held for
DateAble Washington members on
Thursday, June 24, 2004.
Executive director Robert Watson
led the meeting and discussed
the changes that will be
occurring over the next few
months within DateAble. Bonnie,
DateAble Washington Office
Manager and Matchmaker, created
minutes, or meeting notes, of
the event. Thank you to those
members who attended the
By combining the two
databases total membership
will increase to
approximately 400.
We are looking for a new
sponsor for Making
Plans for an on-line
membership directory are in
the works. No phone numbers
will be shown, only e-mail
There will be 4 or 5 large
events per year: Valentine’s
Day dance, Picnic, Las Vegas
night, Holiday Party, and
one other dance or party
during the year.
Robert explained that the
filling out and mailing-in
of an application would not
guarantee membership; all
new members will be subject
to a screening process.
Current DateAble members who
submit their application
during the “free” grace
period are exempt from this
screening. Their membership
status will be evaluated at
the end of their free year
(Dec 31, 2005).
In order for current
members to be eligible for
their free year, their
current membership dues must
be up-to-date. This free
period will expire on
October 1, 2004. Their free
year is for calendar year
Matching will be done once
a month via computer.
Matching for current
DateAble Washington members
will continue on a limited
basis. Since all new
applicants will go into the
new database, DateAble
Washington membership will
start to diminish. The new
matching will begin in
January 2005.
encouraged member
involvement in organizing
their own gatherings and
get-togethers via e-mailing
other members since e-mail
addresses will be in the new
on-line directory.
This organization was brought to
DateAble's attention and we
agreed to pass along some brief
Hireabilities aims to help
people with disabilities who
have gone to college or beyond
to attain their goals for
meaningful work, and it does
this through mentoring,
networking with employers, and
advocacy. The organization is
most in need right now of people
who would like to mentor, but
people who would like to assist
Hireabilities in another
capacity are also welcome.
Hireabilities encourages those
who have given up on finding
work out of frustration to
sign-up to be mentored, even if
they've been out of school and
unemployed for many years. The
organization primarily operates
in cyberspace and can be visited
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